Capillary water uptake

The phenomenon of capillary water uptake is the main cause of dampness in walls. It consists in transporting water upwards in a given material. Water is attracted by the pore walls of the material. It mainly depends on: type and arrangement of soil layers, topography, groundwater level, type of material and diameter of capillaries as also chemical composition of the capillary-pulled water.


Where is it performing?

Strong capillary water uptake

will occur in clay. However, it does not occur in coarse sand and gravel. Fine sand also resists this phenomenon quite effectively. Capillary water uptake from the groundwater table may also occur when the building is founded above its level. It is enough for the foundation level to contain soils with high capillary water uptake, reaching the groundwater level.

In a thick wall, the height of capillary water uptake is greater than in walls with a smaller cross-section, the evaporation surface must compensate for the larger inflow surface.


The task of our products, which are horizontal insulation of foundations, is to protect the structure against moisture. Our insulations, such as:

Confol Alfa

Confol Gamma

effectively cut off capillary water uptake to the higher parts of the building. It is very important that the horizontal insulation of the foundations is properly and tightly connected with the floor waterproofing layer on the ground.


Your family eats, sleeps and spends their free time there. Prevent, otherwise the symptoms of a sick building will become permanent illnesses. It is an investment in your home, in your health and in the health of your family. Make sure you invest in the right insulation materials.

Water penetrating inside the structural walls can cause:

  1. Corrosion
  2. Destruction of the wall structure (e.g. dissolving, washing out the binder, swelling)
  3. Deterioration of thermal insulation of walls
  4. Deterioration of the microclimate of rooms inside the building
  5. Degradation and deterioration of the external appearance of the façade layers
  6. Sick building syndrome and deterioration of health


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Capillary water uptake

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